Phonepe Payment Gateway Integration In Php-Implementing Razorpay Payment Gateway Integration in Android Apps for Indian Transactions

Implementing Razorpay Payment Gateway Integration in Android Apps for Indian Transactions

Integrating the Razorpay payment gateway into an Android app for processing Indian transactions involves several steps. Below is a high-level overview of the process, which includes setting up your environment, integrating the SDK, and handling the payment flow.

### Step 1: Register and Set Up Razorpay Account

1. **Create an Account**: Sign up for a Razorpay account at [](

2. **Get API Keys**: Once your account is set up, you will receive API keys, which include a Key ID and a Secret Key. Keep these keys secure as they are used to authenticate your requests.

### Step 2: Add Dependencies

In your `build.gradle` (Module: app) file, add the Razorpay SDK dependency:


dependencies {

// Other dependencies

implementation ‘com.razorpay:razorpay:2.0.0’



Sync your project with the Gradle files.

### Step 3: Request Permissions

In your AndroidManifest.xml, add the necessary permissions for network access:



### Step 4: Initialize Razorpay

In your activity or fragment where you want to initiate the payment, initialize the Razorpay instance:


Razorpay razorpay = new Razorpay(this);


### Step 5: Start Payment Process

To start the payment process, you will need to create a `JSONObject` with the necessary payment details:


JSONObject options = new JSONObject();

try {

// You can get these details from your backend

options.put(“name”, “Your Company Name”);

options.put(“description”, “Order #123456”);

options.put(“image”, “”);

options.put(“order_id”, “ORDER_ID_FROM_YOUR_SERVER”); // This should be generated by your backend

options.put(“currency”, “INR”);

options.put(“amount”, “10000”); // Amount in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 for Rs.100)

razorpay.startPaymentActivity(this, options);

} catch (JSONException e) {




### Step 6: Handle Payment Result

Override the `onActivityResult` method in your activity to handle the payment result:



protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {

super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

if (requestCode == RazorpayActivity.REQUEST_CODE_PAYMENT) {

if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {

// Payment success

Toast.makeText(this, “Payment Success”, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

} else if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) {

// Payment cancelled

Toast.makeText(this, “Payment Cancelled”, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

} else if (resultCode == RazorpayActivity.RESULT_ERROR) {

// Payment error

Toast.makeText(this, “Payment Error”, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();





### Step 7: Backend Integration

The `order_id` used in the payment process must be generated by your backend server. This ensures that the payment is processed securely and that you can verify the payment on your server.

1. **Generate Order**: Use the Razorpay API to generate an order ID on your server.

2. **Verify Payment**: After the payment is completed, Razorpay sends a webhook notification to your server. You should verify the payment with Razorpay’s API to ensure it’s legitimate.

### Step 8: Testing

Before going live, thoroughly test the payment flow in a test environment provided by Razorpay. Ensure that you handle all possible scenarios, including success, failure, and cancellation.

### Step 9: Go Live

Once you have tested the payment flow and are confident that everything is working as expected, you can go live by using your live API keys and deploying your app.

Remember to follow best practices for security, such as not storing sensitive data on the device and ensuring that all communication with your server is over HTTPS.

Please note that the above steps are a simplified guide. Always refer to the official Razorpay documentation for the most up-to-date and detailed integration steps.